Friday, August 24, 2007

A good fit

Have you ever had a pair of jeans that made you smile when you slipped them on? Having no need to wiggle, lay on the bed, or say the Lord's prayer before they would zip. That is how I feel about school. Lecture material is covered and I am like "Oh, that makes sense." I can appreciate this considering I spent two years lost in course material in my former program. I'm not sure if this is because of previous exposure to some of the material or if this means this is where I am supposed to be. I will go with the latter. However what I will attest to is my lack of APA formatting knowledge. As funny as it is, I got the impression that it is taken extremely seriously in my programs. (Who ever heard of losing points for putting two spaces after a punctuation mark?!) I guess this means I will have to actually finish a paper more that 2 hours before it is due, lol.

I am still excited which is amazing after a long 3 days of orientation. I came home and put on my official "add name of school here" lab coat with my official "add name of school here" stethoscope and for a moment looked very official. I proceeded to quickly remove all aforementioned apparel before someone actually got the wrong idea that I knew anything or was proficient in any area of medicine! My husband did say I looked cute though, and that is all that matters right?

On another note, the hubby and I have decided it would be a good option for me to pursue the Air Force scholarship. So, I called my recruiter back and I am set to meet next week to get the paperwork back in order. I am really excited about this because I have been reading a lot of posts about women on bases looking for midwives, not to mention they pay all my tuition and fees and military never looks bad on the resume. If you want more info on these scholarships let me know, I will post a link.

Did I mention that I am excited?

1 comment:

Kim said...

Ah, good old APA. I got around it by actually buying a template for Word that puts things together automatically. I learned more by seeing done correctly over and over than any class could have taught.

But, this semester I am actually taking a class that covers scientific writing skills (Getting my BSN).

Thanks god for templates.