Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of School

So, today was my first day of school. It was a little anti-climatic. I mean don't get me wrong, I am still extremely excited, but orientation was SOOOOOOOO boring. I have been reading up on all these ways to be successful in nursing school and a common thread is sitting in the front row. So, I figured I would start out right and I sat in the front. However, there were the most obnoxious people sitting behind me. When I say obnoxious, I mean the "If you say another word I am going to gouge out your eyes and make you eat them" type. Have you ever had those people who are extra corny, interrupt the presenters, and make comments non-stop? Well I had two right behind me. Ugggh!
I did meet quite a few nice women and all the people in my specialty seem really passionate and dedicated. I think our class is going to be one of the best yet. Oh, yeah and I love my advisors, they are so laid back and down to earth. I can't wait to get started.
On a sad note, as I was waiting in line to explain why the community college I took my prerequisites at hadn't sent my transcripts in, a girl basically got asked to leave the program and REAPPLY next fall when she could prove she had taken her prerequisites. I wanted to cry for her. I'm just glad my grades got posted and if need be, I will drive up the school and get the transcript myself!
We got our schedules too, as soon as they are finalized I will post them. The only thing I was not feeling was the fact that we would be doing assessment on eachother, I don't want to see myself half naked and I certainly don't want my classmates to see me. Hmmm, I wonder if I can get out of that one.

1 comment:

minority midwife said...

OMG this is going to be FUN because we are inthe exact same place in schooling! Today was my first day of school, and I almost had a panick attack about the practicing on eachother part, but there is indeed a way to get around it (some of it)!

I believe in sitting in the front of the room, but I DONT for the very reason you mentioned! Because of how my class talks incessantly during the lecture, I sit in the VERY back - against the wall, because I can not stand to hear people talking behind me!