Sunday, February 10, 2008

On to psych

So Peds was not my favorite, but I had the best instructor ever. He really let us do a lot of hands on interventions and be pretty autonomous. It is definitely not for me, but again I really appreciate those who can work with the kiddies. Glad I don't have to do this again.

Now I am in psych. Lets start with the positive: 1. very personable instructor 2. short days 3. really, really interesting 4. lunch is really good. Now with the less than positive: 1. can be very boring 2. psych hospital is very dreary 3. I feel so uncomfortable 4. the nurses hate students, patients, their jobs in general (makes for a great learning environment). I will be fine if I never have to work in area ever again.

My posts are rather dry now a days and that is so appropriate to how I feel about school at this point. Kinda blah. I just want to take the NClex and move on to my specialty year. But at this juncture, I feel like every class I take is a waste of my time and I would rather be doing anything else than listen to these people talk about things I could care much less about. Please just let me get to my women's health and midwifery classes. I constantly find myself not paying attention in class or on the internet or blogging rather than working on an assignment I have due tuesday. I really am just tired of being in school. I don't know how I am going to make it though another 2 years. I can and I will, I just really don't want to. If anyone can send me some motivation please do so, I have no money but I can cook and sew so just holla at your girl. Okay bed time. My effort is to blog a little more than once a month.