Monday, September 10, 2007

Why Am I So Upset?

Let me start this post by saying I love my in-laws. Most of them are some of the best people I have ever been privileged to know. I truly care for them, more than they know...Now on the meat.

I AM SO UPSET!!!! There is a younger member of the family (under 20yo.) that is very pregnant. When I say very pregnant, I mean 2 cm dilated, being induced Thursday if no progress seen (reason for induction deserves a whole nother post and I have a trillion questions, but I am just the sister in law right?). This child that is about to have a child and has no clue. NO CLUE. How is she ever going to be successful at pushing a baby out if she doesn't know where her perineum is, nevertheless what an episiotomy entails? If someone was going to cut open my vagina, I would want to know the details. No, her ignorance is not entirely her fault, but why has her doctor not made sure her patient is informed?

My people, my people. Ignorance doesn't make things go away. Acting like a 8 yo. is not going to fight exhaustion during labor, its not going to prevent a perfectly healthy woman from having an unnecessary c-section. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is the difference between being convinced that you can't do it and convincing yourself and everyone else that you can do anything. In this instance, my tears may go in vain. But God help me, my patients will be empowered and have enough knowledge to do whatever, however they feel is best for their babies and their lives.

I am a midwife...okay in 26 mos., technicalities ;)

1 comment:

Pamela said...

what's most amazing is those teen moms seem to really be built for birth (provided the medical model doesn't shoot them down before they get started) and also seem to birth easiest when they know less about birth (that whole in your head kind of thing).

I hope this was true for your family member. Ah, the journey of birth.

This is what makes midwifery so hard: witnessing others make choices (or no choices made) that you wouldn't agree with or want.

You're doing a powerful thing. Powerful.