Thursday, September 13, 2007

A must have!

After searching long and hard, I have found some shoes for clinical. They are comfy, supportive, and I may be biased, but I think they are so cute. Not to mention, they were on sale!!!! I also finally picked up my blood pressure cuff and some extra cushy socks. My husband has however forbade me from wearing any shoes that are going to walking around on hospital floors with "all those gross germy medical things" (lol, gotta love him) in my house. I can't say I blame him. I have recently stopped eating in the hospital cafeteria, all those uniforms reaching over my get the picture.
My sister-in-law had a healthy baby girl at 6:51 today. Both mom and baby are doing well. Prayer does work!! Anyhow, I have to get up early and practice my sterile techniques with my classmates. So I bid everyone adieu.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

thanks for adding to the discussion on my blog re: race and birth.

I feel a bit intimidated even bringing it up because I am white. If you have more to add, please let me know.

I live in a city that is predominately white, and the next minority is Latino. We literally have so few black residents that it's a reminder how few there are when you see them around town.