Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wow its December...

This semester has flown...I only have 1.5 more weeks of school. I am really excited to do nothing let me say! I have done well this semester so there really is no stress over exams except that which I put on myself. With that said, lets talk about self pride. If you want to be a quality women's health provider, why would you skip out on a free conference (that by the way was part of our clinical hour requirements) specifically related to OB/GYN. No we are not MDs, nor are we planning to be, but we have to be aware of them and their practices in order to facilitate our patients in making the most informed decisions possible. Without sounding judgmental, I feel that some of my classmates' behavior was irresponsible and just plain lazy; if we had to be at the hospital, everyone would have shown up. I mean do you really want to be a good provider? It is imperative that we are on top of the most current practices so that we can offer or choose not to offer the same newest evidence based practices to our patients. Just to finish off my rant, I will be damned if I feel comfortable letting someone that doesn't study for exams or come to class or even remotely seem competent practice a pap smear on me. Its not going to happen, and if you ask, I will tell you that is why I don't want you poking around in my vagina. Damn that and have a nice day thank you very much!

So, I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet...I am clearly on a strict budget so looking for good deals is vital. I plan on doing quite a bit of sewing and getting my Martha Stewart on. I hope everyone likes their gift (if not at least pretend to, lol). I am trying to figure out something for my sister in laws ages 20 and 22 that doesn't cost a lot. Any ideas let me know. I am also trying to hunt down an old school Nintendo with Mario and Duck Hunt for the husband. He has really been great and supportive this semester so I want to surprise him again without breaking the bank. Anyhow, I will be able to write more since school will be out soon...take care everyone as your semesters are coming to an end...

1 comment:

minority midwife said...

Hey! Glad to see you're back! My favorite gift for women this age is a care box full of stuff that they actually use. I do it all the time...little stuff...combs, shea butter, bobby pins, compact mirror, nice new toothbrush, socks, etc. Seriously. That's what I do! LOL LOL